Wednesday, February 07, 2007

We are reclaiming Valentine's Day...

...and making it safe for the single and cynical everywhere.


Rira: so you know all my vday ranting yesterday?

Me: yes

Rira: before hw, i went to victoria's secret and bought pink underwear with lace and hearts and cherries on them
so you're not allowed to let me complain anymore
because i'm a hypocrite, apparently

Me: Oh, for fuck's sake, darling
Just because something's pink doesn't mean it has to be associated with vday
Make Vday stand for "vagina day" and celebrate your girl parts

Rira: the hearts?
haha, ok

Me: Hearts pump blood
end of story

Rira: we'll pretend the hearts are representations of the pussy

Me: hurray!
Now every time I see one I will have absolutely no qualms about Feb 14

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