Tuesday, December 19, 2006

A giant post to kick things off...

From our trip to Philly this past weekend:

"There's all kinds of crazy I haven't even heard of yet." --K

"Let's not make out with our dog when we're driving."--shlee


"Everyone wants to have 4 breasts."

"No, Ashley, rub my breasts this way."

"It's all the fun of a lesbian relationship without the hastle."

"What's sad is that I was the sidekick in my own dream."--K

"You are a feminist--you can defend your own buttcrack."--Jon

"Susan B. Anthony had great twat."--shlee

"immaculate infection"--shayla

"I only go lesbian for cats."--K

"That's gonna need a blow."--shlee

"Susan B. Anthony's twat was enough to make me fall off of the bed."--K

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