Tuesday, May 15, 2007

RIP (?) Jerry Fallwell

Brian: oh btw
praise jesus

Rj: I'm equally sorry that he didn't linger and suffer....sort of how I feel about Raygun.

From Rj's blog: "The fact that such a hateful man (he did, after all, make Larry Flynt look sympathetic) could wrap himself in "god" and attain national prominence and influence is a surer sign of moral paucity and societal backsliding than a couple of leather bears kissing while a flotilla of drag queens toss rubbers from sparkly floats. The sad truth is his passing means nothing. His death, like the death of single termite, merely creates space for another just like him to take his place."

"How I hope St. Peter, Jesus, and Screamin’ Jay Hawkins personally threw him off the narthex cloud into Perdition."--e

"i kept hitting the refresh button until the 'hospitalized' turned to 'dead at 73'."--Rj's friend Montgomery

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